Clean Ocean Foundation & Partnership
Posted Nov 24 2021 in About
As always, stands behind environmental organizations with a huge influence on ecology and marine habitat wellbeing. With love and care for the oceans and nature, we utterly support the cause of our partners, the Clean Ocean Foundation. Keep on reading to learn more about them, their core values, and how they continuously work towards changing the world for the better!
Get to know the Clean Ocean Foundation
The Clean Ocean Foundation is an Australian environmental organization. Their mission revolves around restoring oceans to their former health. How? By targeting problematic areas and solving pressing contamination issues. But most importantly, by working hard to make it happen.
How did the Clean Ocean Foundation come to exist?
Clean Ocean Foundation was founded in 2000 by families, fishermen, and surfers. Their concern about the immense level of pollution at Mornington Peninsula surf beaches brought them together to work for a better future.
What is the mission of the Clean Ocean Foundation?
The mission of Clean Ocean is to protect our ocean ecosystem and establish a truly circular approach to water management.
Actively pursuing the vision of clean oceans and stopping all forms of marine pollution is no easy task. Yet, the Clean Ocean Foundation proves good change is possible. The environmentalists count on technology and extensive research to solve major water pollution problems.
What are the goals and intentions of the Clean Ocean Foundation?
The Clean Ocean Foundation activists are dedicated to shutting down sanitary, industrial, sewer, and sewerage outfalls wherever possible.
Their methods are concentrated on minimizing the impact of waste from land-based activity. That includes retaining pollutants on land, where the storing process is fully monitored to minimize the negative impact on the water.
Which are their most distinguished environmental advancements?
Their first huge milestone was to convince the Victorian State Government to upgrade Eastern Treatment Plant that discharges to the ocean, near public beaches. United by a common goal, the Foundation succeeds in making the government commit over 400 million dollars to the cause.
This was a major victory that sparked the motivation for many eco advancements afterwards. The Clean Ocean Foundation continued its water-preserving journey by working towards the recycling of all wastewater from 181 outfalls around Australia.
Thanks to the team’s hard work and perseverance, the foundation was able to minimize the environmental effects of wastewater on the marine habitat. The Clean Ocean Foundation also works towards making sure the outfalls water is not wasted.
Another essential project of the Foundation is raising Australia's recreational water guidelines to meet the criteria of WHO (World Health Organization). Clean Ocean works hard to establish stable cooperation with the water sector.
Current activities the Clean Ocean Foundation involved with
The Clean Ocean Foundation works on research and technology projects and engages in community and environmental support activities. Here are some of their major programs for eco-advancement:
Circular Economy
Clean Ocean Foundation is an active member of the Open Cities Alliance. As such, the foundation is a vast researcher and advocate for the circular economy. Opt and demand serious advancements in the field and a sustainable approach to water management and improvement of the urban water cycle.
Learn more here: Circular Economy
National Outfall Database
Clean Ocean Foundation is behind the National Outfall Database project from development, to maintenance. This is the first free-access database on waste discharge outfalls in Australia. And it also conducts
National Outfall Database researches are funded by the Federal Government and focus on pinpoint problems connected to waste disposal. All database resources are open to the public for everyone who wants to gain knowledge on the impact of ocean pollution on the marine ecosystem.
Learn more here: National Outfall Database
National Outfall Upgrade Strategy (NOUS) 2030
Clean Ocean Foundation presented NOUS papers at The Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics. The strategy is based and built on extensive research by the National Outfall Database and is aimed at resolving ocean pollution and encouraging water security.
The National Outfall Upgrade Strategy is a huge project that concentrates on upgrading the Australian outfall discharges by 2030. The Eastern Treatment Plant in Melbourne is a successful example, producing Tertiary Class A + discharges. The milestone is for the other outfalls to reach the same sustainability goals.
Learn more here: NOUS 2030
Advocacy on Ocean Pollution
Clean Ocean Foundation is an utter supporter of local eco-friendly communities and a fierce advocate against dumping waste in the ocean. The foundation is an honest broker to environmental organizations during their campaigns, addressing ocean pollution.
Their volunteer specialists assist and navigate communities through inquiries, regulations, and unsustainable approval processes, designed to be in favor of those who want to stick to old harmful waste disposal practices. is proud to be partnered up with such an influential environmental organization as the Clean Ocean Foundation. Can’t wait to make this world a better place together, one step at a time! And if you wish to donate you can do so here.
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